Thursday, May 25, 2023

Just a personal note about our marketing affiliations

Good day, fellow readers and Streamers On A Budget! 

(Updated 6/06/23) by Georges Brunet, Chief Editor of the @StreamOnABudget blog.

So, the other day, I received bad news about my Amazon US (dot com) affiliation, and, well, for some reason that really isn't too clear to me, I had lost the affiliation with Amazon US. I appealed, and unfortunately got no results from it. The reason for the disassociation of the affiliation is still unclear to me, though I have a general idea that it *may* be because of the universal linking I was doing through GeniusLink ( (even though the support pages for GeniusLink indicate that it's perfectly safe to use them). I am not sure that's exactly the reason, but I am changing my affiliate strategy to safeguard against that happening, just in case.

Just as a follow up to this post written a few weeks ago, I had set up a new Affiliate account with Amazon (dot com), and it had cited it could not continue with that affiliation either because of previous affiliations that violated their Operating Agreement (which is still, frankly, unclear to me). 

That being said, I have a new Amazon US affiliation pending approval, so I am encouraged that I will be able to get back in business offering the best deals in Streaming and overall Entertainment for our dear readers in the United States. The Canadian Amazon affiliation we have here remains unchanged, but you shall now see affiliate links for products in their respective territories instead of using universal links from GeniusLink. (Sorry GeniusLink.)

UPDATE: Regrettably, I won't be using any affiliate links from Amazon (dot com), which, unfortunately, will make trying to monetize my endeavors a lot more difficult, for much of the support for streaming and cordcutting comes from an American audience. That being said, Canadian readers are out there in full force as Cordcutting in Canada takes hold, I hope you all will still continue to support the endeavors of the @StreamOnABudget #Showcase FREE channel on Roku and the StreamOnABudget Showcase Project overall.

Any Amazon US affiliates that you find linked in any of the StreamOnABudget posts prior to last week may be invalid or unavailable, but should not prevent you from shopping Amazon US anyways. Let me suggest that US shoppers update your bookmarks with this link (click here:, which embeds our affiliate ID in the link, so that we can get credit for the times you're going to shop on Amazon anyways.  UPDATE: Direct-to-Amazon links will still be referenced whenever possible, for the convenience of our US readers, but we SHALL NOT PROVIDE affiliate links, as hoped. Instead, I am working on some other marketing/merchandizing ideas that I hope will help supplement support for our projects.

To our readers in Canada, shopping through our affiliate links really does help to keep the lights on at the StreamOnABudget Showcase Project (including this blog and all our various entertainment endeavors, such as the StreamOnABudget Showcase FREE app on Roku -- click here for more information on that, and digital download packages that are coming soon).

As always, check out the sidebar of this blog for all the many ways you can reach out to me, but you can find me in our Facebook group often every day, check us out!

Thank you for sparing a moment of your time and thank you for being a part of our community! 

-Georges Brunet, Chief Editor of the @StreamOnABudget blog.

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